How I improved my English Communication Skills in 7 Steps?

April 22, 2024 (9mo ago)

One of the most asked queries I receive in my messages section revolves around two simple yet very important questions:

  1. How can I improve my communication skills?
  2. How can I improve my English speaking and writing skill?

And I couldn't answer all of those. So, I thought to write a simple yet effective and concise post to answer them all.

So, let's start!

First off, you should congratulate yourself because you asked this question. These two are the fundamental requirements and key points for success in Freelancing. Because if you don't do better communication, you can't deal better with clients.

For beingbest, you need to push yourself to limits and then cross them. I did it and the results I got were amazing.

Before I jump on to the tips, it is important for you to understand that both of these questions are interlinked together but each one need a different approach for solution.

English is international language, you already know it. So, it is important to improve it first. Then you need little more effort for improving your communication. That's what you improve time to time – it is not improved overnight, unfortunately its not magic.

Now, without any further ado. Let's get started!

7 Tips How to Improve English Language Skill

Listen & Speak:

Well, just think of your past – your childhood actually and just think about your mother language. You are fluent in that, aren't you? Whatever your mother language is, did you learn that by learning Grammar, rules, or any kind of stuff like that?

The answer is straight No.

You learnt it because of just two simple reasons:

  1. You listened to it a lot from your family circle, friends, siblings, environment and literally from everywhere in your country.
  2. And when you were able to speak, you just started speaking! Did you care about your grammar, rules of language? Or did you ever think about your sentence structures like how you are speaking?

Yes, you might not have spoken very correctly, but that's how everything starts to grow. And time to time, you became fluent in it. You were able to speak fastly, fluently and easily the language that you have been hearing and speaking.

So, to improve English language skill, all you need to do is just listen and then speak. You will automagically improve yourself with this. And of course, I don't deny Grammar at all, if you learn rules and Grammar of the language you want to learn, that would indeed be awesome.

My point is just that don't restrict yourself to only this.

Read, Read and Read a lot:

Well, in communication with clients and also with any person on social media or any formal platform, most of our communication is purely based on Text. We exchange messages and thus convey our message in form of text.

And besides speaking, we need to improve this as well. Actually, we have to take care of more things in this than just speaking. Because your writing style reflects your personality, your tone, and your behavior as well.

So, it is also very simple.

Read the type of content that you want to write πŸ™‚ It hears simple but when it comes to practical, it is simpler!

This will help you in several ways:

  1. Increase your Vocabulary for speaking
  2. You will learn how to write
  3. You will learn different styles of writing

And one thing I want to make clear here about β€œRead a lot” is that I don't mean you must bound yourself to read so much lengthy articles or novels or anything like that. By a lot I mean, just read till what you can digest easily πŸ™‚

Moving on to next step… which is:

Listen carefully and Only listen to Interesting Talks!

You may think I already talked about it above, but this is different. It is not just about listening.

It is about Listening carefully and it is about listening to only the talks that you are interested in. What it will do is that you will be curious enough in it to learn about the topic or whatever the discussion is about. You will pay more attention to it because you are interested in it.

This will do two great things for you:

  1. You won't get bored.
  2. You will improve your vocabulary and accent.

After all, you will enjoy doing it – and learning best happens when you enjoy it!

Watch English Movies (with Subtitles)

Who doesn't like watching movies? And you might be one of those who have watched movies like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Titanic or anything that's in English.

You may have a different reason for watching i.e. fun and entertainment. But do you know that this can be a huge beneficial and profitable thing for you?

I suggest you to watch movies with English subtitles. This way you will understand the context of discussions made in movie.

Also, I suggest that you should watch, first, dubbed movies in your own language. You can easily find movies dubbed in your language.

This will help you:

  1. To understand what's being said in movie.
  2. To learn how would you say that in English (with help of subtitles)
  3. In improving your slang language and vocabulary.
  4. In improving your understanding skills!

Now, next thing is linked to this one. It is similar but with a little difference.

Watch English Movies (without subtitles)

As I said before, it is almost same and linked to above.

You just need to watch movie but in its own English language. And also without subtitles.

It will help you in:

Better listening Better understanding about slang language too Now take a moment and congratulate yourself because you've been reading so far. Thanks and congratulations from me as well πŸ™‚

Moving to next point.

Listen to Motivational/Inspirational videos

There are many channels out there on YouTube and Pages on Facebook that provide amazing content.

Some channels I remember and watch videos of are:

You may think that you are already motivated then why you need to watch it. Well, the point is not to motivate you.

Point is to make you understand about tone of your speaking style. So, the no. 1 aspect in which this will help you is β€œit will teach you where to keep voice low and where high along with the tone.”

Don't forget that your tone can change the entire meaning of your message so this is very important.

Listen to podcasts

This one is not so important and consider it as an optional. Do this only if you are interested or choose a topic in which you may be interested.

I normally don't do this. However, I do everything except listening to podcasts.

Even if I would have to listen to one, I would listen podcast of Gary Vaynerchuk.

Moving on to next important step for which you've been preparing yourself so far with above steps.

Start Writing in English

You might have noticed in above steps that all of these are purely practicals. You can actually do these easily.

You have always heard about:

Practice makes a man perfect.

But as you know, nothing in this world is perfect. So, I will mould this saying into:

Practice makes a man near to perfection.

So, for being better at writing, you will actually need to write. Just do practice.

Here are some ways you can get ideas for writing:

  1. Open blogs of your interest
    1. Read interesting topics and observe
    2. You always have an opinion for anything. Think about it πŸ’­
    3. Start connecting your thoughts into a piece of writing
  2. Our Mind doesn't stop. You are always thinking about something. And maybe you are thinking about someone special 😍
    1. Keep a Diary with yourself.
    2. Write about that thing or someone special
    3. No third point! That's it

Conclusion – Key takeaways

To conclude everything I said above, it is very simple. To improve your English reading, understanding, and listening power, You just need to:

  • Be a Good Reader.
  • Be a Good Listener.

One last thing I just say is that you don't have to bound yourself with these. Don't take it as your must do responsibility unless you really are excited for beingbest. Do what and when you want to do.

That's all from me.